Having wondered many times what certain words meant on menus -- or how to ask for the fresh items I liked at the corner produce market -- I thought I'd put together this list for those who are still wondering "what is THAT?" (note, some of them are pretty easy to figure out) -- Oh, and don't forget that the double L's and the Y's are pronounced with a "Zhaaa" in Buenos Aires :
Aji Picante -- Hot Red Pepper
Albahaca -- Basil
Azafran -- Saffron
Canela -- Cinnamon
Ciboulette -- Chives
Cilantro -- Cilantro
Clavo de Olor -- Cloves
Comino -- Cumin
Eneldo -- Dill
Jengibre -- Ginger
Laurel -- Bay Leaves
Manzanilla -- Chamomille
Menta -- Mint (typically spearmint)
Nuez Moscada -- Nutmeg
Orégano -- Oregano
Perejil -- Parsley
Pimienta -- Pepper
Pimienta Negra - Black Pepper
Romero -- Rosemary
Sal -- Salt
Salvia -- Sage
Tomillo -- Thyme
Vainilla -- Vanilla
Anana - - Pineapple
Banana - - Banana
Cayote -- a squash that is made into a sweet preserve in the North of Argentina
Cereza -- Cherry
Ciruela -- Plum
Damascus -- Apricot
Durazno -- Peach
Fruitilla -- Strawberry
Higo -- Fig
Kiwi -- Kiwi
Limón -- Lemon (or sometimes Lime)
Mandarina -- Tangerine
Manzana -- Apple
Maracuyá -- Passion Fruit
Melón -- Honeydew.. or Cantelope
Membrillo -- Quince
Naranja -- Orange
Pera -- Pear
Pomelo -- Grapefruit
Sandia -- Watermelon
Uva -- Grape
Ajo -- Garlic
Alcaucil -- Artichoke
Apio -- Celery
Arveja -- Green Peas
Batata -- A pale fleshed yam
Berenjena -- Eggplant
Brocoli -- Broccoli
Brotes -- Sprouts (as in alfalfa, mustard, soy sprouts, etc)
Calabasa -- A pumpkin-like member of the squash family
Calabacita -- a small hard-shelled squash -- usually served stuffed (rellano)
Cebolla -- Onion
Chaucha -- Green Beans
Esparrago -- Asparagus
Espinacas -- Spinach
Garbanzo -- Garbanzo Beans
Haba -- Fava/Broad Beans
Hinojo -- Fennel
Humita -- a tamale-like cooked corn mixture
Lechuga -- Lettuce
Lenteja -- Lentils
Maiz -- Corn
Nabo -- Turnip
Palta -- Avocado
Palmito -- Hearts of Palm
Papo -- Potato
Pepino -- Cucumber
Pimiento -- Bell Pepper
Porotos de Soya -- Edamame/Soy Bean Pods
Puerro -- Scallions
Rabanito -- Radish
Rabano -- Parsnip
Radicchio -- Radicchio
Radicheta -- Chicory Greens
Remolacha -- Beets
Rucula -- Arugula
Tomate -- Tomato
Zanahoria -- Carrot
Zuccino -- Zucchini
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